What is Cortado Coffee? How To Make Café Cortado At Home? - 2023 | Relaksip

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What is Cortado Coffee (Café Cortado)?

Cortados are just a form of coffee beverage for those who want a strong flavor and espresso. Although cortado espresso is a lesser-known coffee beverage, it is generally available on café menus. We shall explain what cortados are and how to manufacture them in this section for your pleasure.
The milk used to make cortado is only moderately foamy.

Before learning how to make your next preferred caffeinated beverage, make sure you have the required equipment and materials on hand.


  • Unroasted Coffee Beans
  • Espresso Maker
  • Milk

Steps To Make Cortado Coffee (Step by Step)

STEP 1: Ground Coffee Beans

The best espresso comes from coffee beans that have been finely ground.
Grind the coffee beans directly into the portafilter for the best possible freshness.

STEP 2: Squeeze Beans

Tamping is the next course of action. A tamper is a tiny, round weight with a handle, similar to a stamp. The coffee beans are pressed into a uniform disc using the tamper.

This will ensure that the portafilter can enter and exit the device properly and optimize the water's likely interaction with the coffee. To prevent compacting the disc, don't press too hard. Press gently, give a tiny twist and then let go.

STEP 3: Get The Glass

You can warm anything up by pouring hot water into a small glass like a "Gibraltar glass."

STEP 4: Prepare Espresso Shots

Carefully insert the portafilter into the appliance, then tighten it by cranking the handle. From the Gibraltar glass, hot water should be poured into the portafilter. On your espresso maker, you might have to turn a switch or press a button to get the coffee to pour into the cup.

STEP 5: Steam The Milk

You can now release any accumulated steam from your machine using the steam wand. Release a small amount of steam into a towel or sponge to clean any residue from the wand.

Use whole milk to the very last drop in your frothing pitcher. You may also use oat milk, oat cortado, coconut, or barista-style almond milk. before putting the wand into the center of the pitcher.

Keep the heating wand submerged in the milk until the exterior of the jug feels warm to the touch and a very small amount of foam has developed.

STEP 6: Pour The Milk

Gradually pour milk into the glass of espresso. Serve the cortado coffee immediately away and serve it with your loved ones.

PRO Tip To Make Cortado Coffee At Home

Although it does take some expertise and ability, making cortado at home can be enjoyable and productive.

High-quality espresso beans and a dependable espresso maker are essential, as are the correct methods for grinding, tamping, and boiling the espresso. For the finished drink to have the texture and flavor you want, the milk must be properly steamed and frothed.

Read More About Other Flavors Of Coffee

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