10+ Interesting Facts about Coffee | Coffee Facts 2023 | Relaksip

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 Most Interesting Facts About Coffee!


  • World's Second -  It is the second-most traded commodity in the world. The first is crude oil. No, there was no mistake. Coffee is the second most popular beverage after water in terms of consumption. It is worth more than $100 billion globally.

  • Coffee has been consumed since the year 800. -  After consuming the fruit of the Coffee plant, goats appeared to be "dancing" (supposedly high on caffeine), according to a legend that dates back to the ninth century. Following that discovery, a local monk concocted a drink using the substance and discovered that it kept him awake all night, giving birth to the cup of coffee as we know it today.

  • Coffee Beans Aren't Actually Beans -  Although they may look like beans, the objects in your morning cup are actually berry seeds. Due to their similarity to beans, they were given the label coffee beans.

  • Coffee should not be drunk at night -  Our brains may become delayed if we consume caffeine in the evening or at moments when we are resting. Our ability to produce melatonin is slowed by this. Additionally, it throws off our circadian rhythm by 40 minutes.

  • It is well known that Brazil produces the most coffee -  For more than 150 years, Brazil has produced one-third of the coffee consumed worldwide. Vietnam is the second-largest producer of coffee.

  • Coffee gets into a man's semen -  Similar to how coffee can get into your circulation, so can a man's sperm. There have been studies done to investigate if coffee can damage a man's fertility because it has been discovered that coffee increases blood pressure. 

One study found that consuming more than 4 cups of coffee per day can lead to sperm cells with unusual shapes.

  • Metabolism is boosted by coffee -  Caffeine is a stimulant that is naturally found in coffee and briefly speeds up metabolism. To increase the likelihood of rapid weight loss during exercise, some fitness instructors even suggest drinking coffee beforehand.

  • A coffee bean requires roughly 37 liters of water to grow -  One 12 oz. cup of coffee requires more than 1,300 gallons of water to create.

  • Sperm swim more effectively when coffee is added to a test tube. -  Nevertheless, this resulted in early burnout, which made the sperm insufficiently energetic to successfully fertilize an egg.

  • Millions of individuals depend on coffee to support themselves -  Almost 25 million small farmers depend on coffee as their primary source of income.

  • The only state in America that grows coffee is Hawaii -  Coffee plants need high altitudes and tropical temperatures to be able to achieve good coffee growing conditions. Due to its tropical climate, Hawaii is the only American state that can cultivate coffee.

  • Coffee that has cream in it stays warm -  Try adding some cream to your coffee if you want to keep it as hot as possible for a longer period of time. Your coffee will stay warm for 20% longer as a result of this.

  • Coffee beans gain flavor and color during roasting -  These coffee beans are roasted after being purchased as green beans. The browning of the coffee beans is a result of roasting. The way and duration of roasting determine the flavor and color of the coffee beans. As the beans roast, the sugar in them turns them brown. Darker beans are regarded as being more assertive, and lighter roasts as having stronger flavors.

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