What is Biohazard Coffee | World's Strong Coffee | Is Biohazard Coffee Dangerous? | Relaksip

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What is Biohazard Coffee?

In 2016, Biohazard Coffee made its public appearance. Yonatan Pinhasov, co-founder and CEO of the business, claims that the goal was to give the world a coffee that was potent enough to sustain individuals through incredibly strenuous days without compromising the wonderful flavor that coffee enthusiasts anticipate.

They tested their brews and the various kinds of coffee beans extensively to achieve this. They ultimately decided on dark roast Robusta coffee. This choice plus their brewing method has given the world a highly caffeinated coffee that is yet delicious and simple to consume.

Caffeine in Biohazard Coffee

With 928 milligrams of caffeine, Biohazard Coffee has what some people considered to be a dangerous amount of caffeine. This high caffeine content results from the usage of Robusta coffee beans rather than the Arabica coffee beans that are commonly used to make ground coffee. This amount of caffeine is four to five times greater than that in a cup of freshly brewed coffee and even exceeds that in Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts' most caffeinated drinks.

Is Biohazard Coffee Dangerous?

As you may expect, the amount of caffeine in Biohazard Coffee is rather harmful. Even though it is higher than what professionals advise, anyone can still drink it. When it comes to caffeine tolerance, some people are more sensitive than others.

If you often consume caffeinated beverages, Biohazard might be right for you. Children, pregnant women, individuals who are caffeine sensitive, those who have heart disease, those who have hypertension, and those who are sensitive to caffeine should all avoid drinking this coffee.

Is Strong Cofee Safe?

For the majority of healthy adults, 400 mg of caffeine per day seems to be safe. That is approximately equal to the amount of caffeine in two "energy shot" beverages, 10 cans of cola, or four cups of brewed coffee.

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